2025 Week 14
Hello, Springers!
This Sunday marks the beginning of the second quarter of 2025. Is time flying for you as it does for me? We have much to celebrate and express thanksgiving to our God. It’s been a full three months, from January through March, at Valley Springs.
Let’s celebrate:
- 10 weeks of Dinner BELL to Belong, East, Listen, and Learn on Wednesday evenings
- the new Sunday School hour for all ages (including nursery) at 9:00am
- leaders who attended the Lampstand Conference and their follow-up meetings
- Bible studies for men and women throughout the week on the book of Lamentations
- our faithful Friday group (ages 55 and up) caring for one another and studying Proverbs
- our annual Missions Auction raising over $33,000 toward our 2025 missions budget
- receiving 12 new members and baptizing five people from child to adult
- sending 14 students along with adult volunteers to our Presbytery’s Spring Youth Conference
Let me also say a huge thank you (!) to the more than 85 people who stayed after church to be fingerprinted or fingerprinted again to ensure safety, comply with the law, and increase our volunteer numbers with youth and children.
An older friend of mine commented that he often worries about time. He judges how he spends his time. Did I spend my time well? Spending time as if it is wealth to be invested caused him to worry more. If time can be invested, it seems like we can earn more, as with money that is invested.
But then my friend realized that God has determined the number of our days. We will have no more days than he has already chosen to give us. If the hairs on our heads are numbered, so must be our breaths and our days – even hours.
He came to a new realization about time. It is not a currency to be invested in that you can get more if you make a good return. The time we have is time offered to us by God. Time offered.
What will you do with the time you are offered?
As the days go by, I’m reminded how important it is to worship together. We are busy with many things – good things – that God has given us in our lives. Corporate public worship (CPW) is the culmination of one week and the commencement of another.
Time for worship is time offered to us by God. It is the moment each week when we look for heaven and earth to touch as God calls us as a people, and we respond by bringing ourselves wholly into His presence together.
I look forward to worshiping together with you this Sunday morning at 10am.
in Christ,
Pastor Tag