2025 Week 06
Hello, Springers!
As we end the first month of the new year, so many things happened in such a brief time.
In our country, we’ve welcomed a new president, suffered tremendous losses in the Los Angeles wildfires, and been shocked by the loss of 67 people in a tragic mid-air collision in Washington, D.C.
At Valley Springs, we have begun a new sermon series, a new season of our mid-week Dinner BELL, and Bible studies for men and women on the book of Lamentations. On Sanctity of Life Sunday, we heard about the ministry of Sierra Pregnancy and Health. We also hosted a story-telling night with World Relief Sacramento to learn about the refugees who have become citizens and found the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Last week, six people, including myself and three of your elders, attended a church health conference called Lampstand in Birmingham, Alabama. We were excited and inspired by everything we learned. The three biggest ideas we took home came from the book Embers to Flame by PCA Pastor Dr. Harry Reeder. They are Remember, Repent, and Recover.
Church health begins with the pastor’s spiritual health and then encompasses the spiritual health of its individual members. Remember what God has done for you in Christ. Repent not just of individual sins but of the deep root causes of those sins. Recover a life of spiritual vitality through life together in Christ’s bride, the church.
Over the next several weeks, we will apply the lessons learned to our walk together as a spiritual family here at Valley Springs.
Many of you are experiencing great joy, and others are experiencing deep pain. Several families are expecting the birth of a child in the coming months. Others of you received news of a loved one’s death. Some have received a difficult diagnosis from the doctor. Valley Springs is a body where no one walks alone. We share our joys and sorrows together as we worship, study, and serve together.
I want to give you a reminder and an encouragement.
My reminder is that your pastors are available to meet with you. Matt and I are honored to listen and pray with you and offer the encouragement found in Scripture. We can also help you find others willing to listen and help, whether another church member or a professional counselor.
My encouragement is that you are members of the body of Christ, which is good news. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 12:18-20, 26: “But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body… If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.”
You are at Valley Springs for a purpose, and I thank God you are here.
in Christ,
Pastor Tag