2025 Week 01
Tag Tuck

Hello, Springers!

We’re coming to the end of the year. Will you dream with me about 2025?

Let me share a story that illustrates how I dream about the new year for our church.

The first day I learned to play the saxophone was in a group lesson at school when I was 11 years old. We were taught how to put the reed on the mouthpiece, and we made a noise with just the mouthpiece. Then, we were taught where to put our fingers. We had to close our eyes, raise the instrument, and put our fingers on the correct keys. We rounded out the lesson by playing five notes.

On the second day, we had our next group lesson. A new kid joined the class who hadn’t been there the day before. My teacher chose me to take the boy into the room next door and show him everything we learned on that first day. It was the first lesson I ever taught. Yes, it was short, but remembering it still brings me joy.

I’ve always loved sharing with others the good things I’ve learned myself. Have you learned that, too? One way humans are filled is by filling others. Proverbs 11:25 says, “He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”

The best thing I have ever learned is the good news that my life is hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). It is the greatest truth to know that Christ appeared once for all at the end of the ages to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself (Hebrews 9:26). Refreshing others with this refreshing truth brings me the deepest joy.

My second day of playing saxophone was my first day of teaching – giving away the good things I had learned. I was no master teacher. I just knew one lesson before he did, and it was a privilege to serve him by giving him the lesson I had just learned.

When I dream about 2025 for Valley Springs, I pray that God will do for us what my teacher did for me. God, grant us the opportunity to give away to others the good news that you have given to us. Make each and every one of us someone who refreshes others with the truth of Christ.

You’re not a master teacher, but maybe you’ve learned one lesson before someone else in your life. Love them enough to give them that lesson.

Let’s grow in doing that together and see where God takes us as a church!

in Christ,

Pastor Tag